What is your “story?” Is there a version that you want people to know and then is there the real one? Are you at risk of living an untrue story?
How we all answer these questions may determine our peacefulness, centeredness and legacy. All of us have extenuating circumstances and outside influences in our lives. There are disruptions that ignite our passions for the good and then there are the other kinds. The discovery of who you really are and what preferred future you would like to claim some day, is of importance to living optimistically.
In my coaching practice, it is always encouraged for clients to work at setting goals in five areas of human expression:
o Their Professional Life
o Their Personal Life
o Their Physical Life
o Their Legacy Life
o Their Spiritual Life
I’ve mentioned these five areas in previous writings. Setting goals in these areas is just the beginning to finding your “story.” I’ve found that there are converging lines when one intentionally begins to find their story. (1) One line of thinking and feeling is the line of talent, skills and opportunities to grow in areas not yet developed. (2) The second line of thinking and feeling is the line of internal drive, emotional strength and desire. (3) The third line of thinking and feeling is the line of discernment, perception and observation. When one builds their story, all three of these “lines of thinking” must be considered. At the point that all three lines reach their potential as an individual is clarifying their story. When these lines converge and ascend into a trajectory of ideal accomplishment, one’s story is energetic, and actualized with passion and fervor.
Set goals along these three lines of thinking and feeling:
1. Talent, skills and capabilities – Grow and get better technically.
2. Emotional Intelligence and resiliency – Manage stress and “fan the flame” of whatever is your burning desire for a preferred future.
3. Discernment and observing the situational circumstance – Pull away from your immediate urgencies and take a longer, discerning look at what you want to become and plan strategically to get there.
Declared VS Real
Lastly, to write your story, define what is declared in your life and what is real. Many times they are not the same. What are you hoping is true but is really not true about you; your story? Begin to be honest about what is declared and what is real. I have many of my clients to work on what is declared in their value system and what is really real. This difficult but important process helps us to write a real story. Working to separate the real from the not real is a crucial step to having a vibrant and authentic story.
When we really work to improve and clarify our stories, we are honest, and, we intentionally work along these three lines, and work at these lines converging into one robust line of destiny. Now, we can live a dynamic life. My clients that want to live in a domain of accomplishment; work hard at their story. They intentionally labor to improve their storyline.
Start your storyline now. Be able to share your story: (1) in the elevator, (2) at the water cooler or (3) in the bleachers watching your children or grandchildren on the sports field. Be clear and confident of your story. Tell it with glee and honesty. Believe in it. Be real. Decide to not live as an imposter.
Write It
Edit It
Live It…with Commitment
Rick Forbus, PhD Executive Coach
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